Instant Family

So here’s the story. The start of it anyway. On Sunday while I was working my mother forwarded me a Facebook message that she had gotten from my father. He was looking to open up a dialogue with me. The thing is the last time we talked Nixon was president. My mom asked if she should forward my email and I said yes. Monday I got a very gracious message from him. The whole thing was putting me in a state of emotional shock. All of a sudden I was back in childhood trying to come to grips with what it meant to have a father. It took most of my two days off to write my way to a place where I could respond. That was yesterday afternoon. I let him know I was interested in continuing communicating. By then I was pretty drained so I asked Kelly if we could go to the movies. We saw the Singing in the Rain/Casablanca double feature at the Stanford. Of course that made me feel better. During intermission I got another very positive response.

All of this came after having such a good time at Saturday’s annual reunion for Kelly’s family. They have all been so open in welcoming me to the family. The big news out of my father’s messages is the additional five siblings and 20 nieces and nephews I’ve picked up all of a sudden. It feels like my family roster has exploded this weekend. I’m happy but more than a little shell shocked. I assume there is more to come on this subject.

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